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Wroupon Ultra V3.8 En is released now!

14thMay April 2011,

We proudly announce Wroupon UltraV3.8 (English), Brazil version will be launched in couple days.

We have added a new Startup Subscribe Module(SSM) which lets visitors to signup at startup page(Cookie based).

Another Module is prepaid recharge option. Now Webmasters can create Prepaid Recharge cards from backend. and users can add credit to their account using it.

We also have fasten up wroupon processing speed, Which makes your site to move faster .

Existing users will soon be able to download upgrade file, We will try to upload upgrade v3.2 |3.4| 3.6|3.8 inter upgradable versions quite soon.

Groupon Clone Compare

Demo will be available by 15th May 2011 Mid Night.

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